Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I just came back from holiday day b4 yesterday on sunday...holidays always pass really really fast.
Anyway, my hostel has some internet connection problems becos some RATS, yeah, rats, those that run on 4 and chew on walls, bit into some wires in some dark corner in the house. The computermen had to reroute my hostel's internet connection, which meant the proxy servers were changed which meant that i cannot go into photobucket which meant that i cannot upload photos which meant that it's raelly annoying.
Here are some pictures of my new room.

From the front door. My printer is placed on my suitcase because the table has no space. Look carefully and u might be able to see my new blue alarm clock

Sofa, chair and rubbish bin.

Printer and a complicated array of wires

Calendar and DEATH NOTE2!!!!!!!!

This is the bedroom part of my room. U can see a lot of fruits, foods, hairdryer and DEATH NOTE2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My tangka

Cupboard overflowing with clothes
Ok, gotta focus now. Bye-
6:32 PM